Home | 08-01-03 - Following Karla McIntosh's resignation from CBB effective Aug. 1, 2003 so she can focus on her City Council race this Fall, Nicole McKinley assumed the position of President of CBB. 07-31-03 - Deleted outdated material. 03-01-03 - Updated the meeting minutes page 0-23-2002 - Began a section on coverage of the 0.45% income tax increase that is on the November ballot. City Council, while spending taxpayer money to inform citizens of the merits of a City Manager form of government in the Brunswick Review newsletter, has declined to provide any information to the citizens on why City Council voted to put an income tax increase on the ballot. You will find this coverage in the Issues section. 9-18-2002 - Karla McIntosh gave a speech to the Chamber of Commerce in support of the Strong-Mayor form of government today. 9-10-02 - Updated the meeting minutes page 8-5-2002 - Petitions with 1,108 signatures were turned into the Brunswick Finance Director requesting that the city manager versus strong mayor issue be placed on the November ballot. 5-4-2002 - Added the April minutes. Added a special "Charter Change" section with details on this campaign. 4-2-2002 - Posted unapproved minutes of the March meeting for review. Replaced the 1996 version of the Charter with the 2001 version and added a hyperlinked Table of Contents. 3-2-2002 - Posted approved minutes of the February meeting. 2-12-2002 - Posted a summary of what happened at the February meeting on the Meetings page. 1-31-2002 - Posted a summary of what happened at the January meeting on the Meeting page 1-16-2002 - Added short bios of the officers in the Contacts section. Added the pending minutes from the December 8, 2001 meeting. Updated the Schedule to show the Feb. 2, 2002 meeting. 12/15/01 - Added some new links, including a searchable copy of the Charter of the City of Brunswick 12/09/01 - Updated several pages and added the Nov. 3, 2001 minutes