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Recently, Citizens for a Better Brunswick has been focusing on the following issues:

bulletDecline of local commercial areas - causes and possible solutions. New strip malls are being built but the main occupancy comes from relocated Brunswick businesses, not new companies. This further depresses the other areas of our City.
bulletPlans and progress of the Brunswick Lake Project
bulletChanges of personnel in key leadership positions
bulletReview of the City Charter for possible changes or updates

Significant past issues prior to our establishment:

bulletAn adult-oriented nightclub opening near a daycare center
bulletAn adult-oriented lingerie store opening even closer to the same daycare center
bulletCity Council allowed former City Manager Skip Trimble to retire and immediately rehired him at his old salary so he could double-dip the system, collecting a pension and city salary at the same time. At least two other Brunswick officials have been allowed to retire and then have been reappointed to their previous position since then. This practice is very discouraging to other employees who see their chance for advancement based upon their work being stopped.
bulletFormer City Manager Trimble has also been paid several thousand dollars a year in addition to his City Manager salary to "administer" the Brunswick bus service. Does he administer the buses only at nights or on weekends, or is he really triple-dipping by administering the bus system while also being paid as City Manager and as a retiree? His total compensation in 1999 exceeded $101,000.
bulletInstallation of an 85-foot radar tower a mere 18 feet from Brunswick backyards. Our City Council turned the owners down when they wanted to install it in our Industrial Park, far from Brunswick homes. So the tower got installed in Brunswick Hills Township within falling distance of a new Brunswick neighborhood. Our officials claim none of them never saw the legal notices about its pending construction, yet the City of Brunswick also uses the same newspaper as its newspaper of record for legal notices.
bulletAfter the World Trade Center disaster, former City Manager Trimble refused to allow our firefighters to raise funds for NYC. He told them they could raise funds as long as they did it off-duty, did not wear anything identifying themselves as Brunswick firefighters and did not tell anyone they were Brunswick firefighters. Would you give money to someone in street clothes that claims he/she is a firefighter but cannot say which department they work for? Even after his embarrassing performance on TV, he still refused to allow our firefighters to work gathering funds while on duty. He only "apologized" for his conduct after it became evident even to him that he could lose his job. His actions and words during his television interviews have spoken louder than his so-called "apology." He has not "seen the light", rather he has "felt the heat." Our firefighters collected almost $38,000 in the four days they were allowed to collect.
Copyright 2001-2004 - Citizens for a Better Brunswick - All Rights Reserved

Last Updated: 03/27/2004