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January 5, 2002 10:00 am, Brunswick Library Summary of the meeting: Our January meeting was a real success. Participants divided up into six groups. Around the room we had six tables set up, each table represented a different topic: Charter Changes, Seniors and Social Services, City Beautification, Parks and Recreation, Economic Development and What Really Bugs You? Each group had approximately 5 minutes at each table to come up with as many ideas as possible relating to that specific topic. Residents really enjoyed the opportunity to share their thoughts about our City and the end result was pages and pages of great ideas and constructive criticisms. These ideas will be used to establish CBB committees that will work to effect changes which will benefit all of Brunswick. Specific information about these committees will be available at the February meeting. GOOD NEWS for all of you who commented at the meeting about the condition of the parking lot at the K-Mart plaza. I spoke to a representative from the Kimco Corporation who owns the plaza. He was able to confirm that the parking lot resurfacing will be finished this summer. Apparently, their company had a three year resurfacing plan for the lot, but discussions about possible construction in the plaza put the resurfacing plans a year behind schedule. However, the construction plans fell through and the resurfacing is now scheduled to be completed. Agenda: All organizational and administrative start-up work should be completed by this time. Now for the fun stuff! Plan on this meeting being longer, about three hours. Using the results of our Member Interest Survey, we will identify the areas where we would most like to see changes made and make a concrete plan of how we're going to accomplish our goals. Attending Council and Committee meetings keeps us informed, but if we really want a "Better Brunswick" then we must also take action! So, bring all of your great ideas, creativity and enthusiasm! The sky's the limit! If anyone is interested in creating a logo for our group, bring a sketch to the December meeting and we'll vote on which one to use.