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Citizens for a Better Brunswick™ in Medina County, Ohio, is an oversight group to enable our citizens to stay current with the actions and plans of our government representatives, whether it is City Hall, the Brunswick City School District or another agency or board. Residents of Brunswick have long lacked ongoing participation in their local government. Many people who are interested in becoming more involved are often reluctant to do so as individuals, but welcome a chance to participate as part of a larger group with similar interests. We, the Citizens of Brunswick, are taking back the responsibility for our future from our public servants. IMAGINE what we can do together! We are raising the awareness of all citizens about how they are being affected by decisions made without their input. Most discussions and plans are handled in the various City Council committee meetings and not in the televised meetings. By the time issues are brought up in the televised meetings, they are a done deal. This method of conducting our City's business is unacceptable and has to change. Simply reading ordinance numbers at televised meetings and then voting is not the way to promote public participation. Together, WE can make a difference! It has become clear that some of our appointed and elected city officials have forgotten who they work for. They think they work for each other when in reality they work for us, each and every resident of Brunswick. Every city employee and official works for the the citizens of Brunswick. We the citizens sign their paychecks. We are their employer, yet we get treated as if we work for them! IMAGINE how our elected and appointed officials will respond when they know their boss, every citizen of Brunswick, cares about the quality of their work, is concerned about how they are doing their jobs and will give them timely, constructive feedback! We are a young and growing group. If you would like more information on our vision and goals, please email us at info@betterbrunswick.com Without public input, there is no incentive for positive change! Our goal is not simply to become a watchdog, pointing out the negatives. We do want to have at least one of our members attend every committee and board meeting in Brunswick, Brunswick Hills, and other communities as needed. By attending meetings, we can learn immediately about issues affecting Brunswick families. We can spread the information to interested citizens before proposals become reality. We anticipate we can grow our membership to the point where no member would be asked to attend more than one board or committee meeting per year. IMAGINE the impact hundreds of telephone calls to Brunswick City Hall would have! We must also solicit input from all people regarding new ideas, programs, and any other way we can Better Brunswick. Please consider becoming involved. After all, this is our home! Citizens for a Better Brunswick™ is helping to turn our elected representatives back into our representatives. We will strive for accountability and full disclosure to the citizens of Brunswick. Please contact us for more information on Citizens for a Better Brunswick™Back to Top