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The meeting was called to order at 10:10 AM by Karla McIntosh, 14 people in attendance. Karla opened by stating there were two openings on the Building Board of Appeals and that some construction background was needed. Michelle Mayer mentioned that the Neura property on the west side of Sub Station Road was potentially going to be rezoned commercial for another industrial park by Brunswick Hills Twp. (note: the trustees voted later in the month not to do this). Karla discussed the issues and benefits of a non-profit registration, such as a greater appearance of legitimacy because of a formal structure, and a tax exempt status. She mentioned many attorneys will do the filing paperwork for free. It is now OK to accept donations to cover costs, but no bank account can be set up. $98 in donations were received. We will require officers, members and bylaws. The officers will be a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The issue of needing liability insurance was brought up and Karla stated she was told that our exposure was extremely small for groups of this type. Discussion was held on whether only members present could vote or whether proxies were allowed. Discussion was held on someone joining just to stack the vote for or against an issue. Discussion was held on what type of organization we should be. Ray Pesek thought we should be an umbrella type of organization where other people or organizations could come for resources and help with their particular problems. One person brought up the fact that residents of the Senior Citizens building had been unable to get Brunswick Bus Service to attend church on Sundays. Another person brought up how Brunswick Youth Sports receives no money from the City of Brunswick in support. Discussion was held on how to gain visibility for us, such as Block Watch meetings, Homeowner Association meetings, and publicizing our existence and meetings on the city-owned signs at Center and Pearl Roads. Maybe an announcement on B52 Cable TV also? The subject came up again on the need for dues. Some people felt a token amount was needed, perhaps $10 per year to keep people from saying they were a member without any type of commitment. Some people didn’t think dues were needed. The subject of the Dec. 8 meeting and election of officers was brought up. It was stated that three non-candidates should count the votes and that nominations would be taken from the candidates themselves, due to our small size. Members of City Council were not present and this was brought up. Karla stated that the Council members might have a problem with showing up together because someone might consider it an illegal, unannounced meeting of Council. It was stated that Council members would come if invited for a specific reason, but they did not want to have this "illegal meeting" issues hanging over them, People understood the issue. Karla then brought up the meeting schedule for Council Committee meetings again. Bob McCafferty brought up the Town Center project and noted that the architects renderings showed a Home Depot and Giant Eagle store when the citizens had been told this would not be necessary. He also mentioned that City Council had approved the $7500 for an attorney to investigate the conduct of Mr. Trimble. Some discussion was held on needed Brunswick Charter changes, such as an elected Law Director, Council approval of appointed department heads and term limits. A special meeting is to be held the following Wednesday to discuss these issues. |