· Appoint and remove all officers and
employees as provided for by Charter
· Institute proceedings for the removal of
civil service employees
· Preside at all Council meetings with the
right to participate in discussion, etc. but not to vote
· Recommend new legislation, or the repeal of
obsolete legislation to Council
· Shall keep Council fully advised as to the
financial condition and needs of the Municipality
· Submit annually to Council a complete
financial report of administrative activities
· Prepare and submit to Council the annual
· Supervise purchasing for all departments
· Shall be the liaison and responsible for
public relations between the City and other political units
· Supervise the issuing of all licenses and
· Perform all other duties as are consistent
with his office or as conferred or required by the laws of the State of
Ohio or of the United States.
· Provide an annual appropriation message
· provide an annual 5 year capital program
· Recognized as the official and ceremonial
head of the Municipality
***Full text of Executive Powers can be found
in proposed charter section 3.09 and in current charter sections 7.03
& 7.05
· Supervise the administration of the
Municipality’s affairs and exercise control of all departments and