Feb. 3, 2003 Minutes


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Minutes, Citizens for a Better Brunswick meeting, February 1, 2003     (NOT YET APPROVED)

 The meeting was called to order with 17 in attendance.  Copies of last month’s minutes were distributed and approved.  Treasurer Gloria Tews reported a balance of $340.60, with no activity during January.  Gloria gave a detailed expenses report for 2002.

              Tent purchase (OFD booth)                      $     20.00

               Liability Insurance (OFD booth)                      485.00

               Misc. OFD expenses                                        65.00

               Copies                                                         186.00

               Postage                                                         16.00

               Printing brochures                                         116.00 

                                                               TOTAL    $    888.00

Election of Officers was held.  Current officers were unopposed, and agreed and were elected to serve another year.

There was discussion of this year’s upcoming financial needs, the largest expense being the liability insurance required for the Old Fashioned Days booth.  Member suggestions included:  selling refreshments at Browns games (but it requires 25-28 people and a 10 game commitment); pancake breakfasts at the Rec; running a canteen at youth sports events; and CBB networking to share a booth with some other group that already has such insurance.  Since the refreshment stands at city parks directly benefit the youth sports program, it was decided CBB should not compete with them.  Karla has contacted but not heard back from Wings and Rings.

There was discussion whether CBB should take on the skate park project, which needs a sponsor since Mayor Mike Hanes is leaving.  Mike already has set it up as a non-profit (transfer to our group is not legally complicated or costly); Council wants some community group to take fiscal responsibility; all funds would be held separately from CBB’s; pending new city manager approval, Park & Rec. director Bill Fletcher is very enthusiastic to work with our group; local newspapers have offered free advertising space; it would be positive PR for our group.  A vote was taken and Citizens for a Better Brunswick accepted the task of building a Skate Park.  Karla will set up and publicize a meeting, possibly Feb 22 or 23, and hopefully involve parents of interested young people as committee chair(s); the young persons themselves will be heavily involved in planning, design, and fund raising.

Continuing the plan to invite various local leaders speak at our meetings, newly appointed Ward 2 Councilperson Joe Salzgeber will take member questions later this meeting.  New City Manager Robert Zienkowsi has agreed to be with us at the March 1st meeting.  April- the newly appointed at-large Councilperson?  Group suggestions for May included Bill Fletcher; whomever is appointed Safety Service Director; planning commission members (to better educate the public on their process); and new Vice Mayor Dale Strasser.  

There was brief discussion re: the upcoming Council elections next November.  Enough new faces are running that there will need to be a primary in May; the top two for each slot make it to the Nov. ballot.  In addition to the 4 wards, Tom Miller’s recently vacated at-large seat will be decided.  Members were reminded that CBB encourages civic/ political involvement, but does not endorse particular candidates.

Discussion of how to build membership and meeting attendance included that VP Nicole McKinley is updating our brochure, and the board will also attempt to get out a newsletter prior to next meeting. 

Questions to Councilperson Joe Salzgeber largely centered on the Brunswick Lake/ Town Center project.  Members were reminded of the EPA Water Quality hearing scheduled for Monday Feb. 10th, in the west cafeteria at the High school.

CBB is grateful to Linda Kotalik for her donation of envelopes.

Other open discussion included how Council interviewed all applicants (20 +) for the Ward 2 seat, but only a couple months later interviewed only 8 of 26 for Tom Miller’s at-large seat.  It is efficient to make a first cut based on resumes, but Council changing their method so quickly makes them appear inconsistent.  Also, it was felt that Council missed an excellent opportunity to speak with and get to know constituents interested in contributing to their community, with only minimal time invested.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Rehman, Secretary

Copyright 2001-2004 - Citizens for a Better Brunswick - All Rights Reserved

Last Updated: 03/27/2004