Jan. 4, 2003 Minutes


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Minutes, Citizens for a Better Brunswick meeting, Saturday January 4, 2003

The meeting was held at the Brunswick library in the Community Room.

Treasurer Gloria Tews reported Nov. balance of $239.00 and Dec. income of $101.00, for a total of $340.00.

President Karla McIntosh outlined ideas to improve meeting attendance and possible increase membership in the new year.  Jon McKinley is working out an emailing system that will make contacting the computer list easier.  Gloria and Nicole will make an effort to post flyers about upcoming events/ meetings around town.  Registered members will be contacted by US mail re: next month’s meeting which will include election of officers and hopefully a guest speaker.  Discussion of possible meeting topics included current issues like Brunswick Lake, and perhaps speakers such as the new city manager and newest councilman Joe Salzgeber.

There was discussion of the need to do some fund raising for the annual expense of a liability policy for Old Fashioned Days (approx. $500.00 last year).  Ideas included Wings & Rings, pizza such as Donatos, theatre discount tickets, and a wine/beer tasting.

There is need to get the newsletter back on track, perhaps by seeking a chairperson/ editor from the membership.  Hopefully our next issue can include a ‘human interest’ interview w/ councilman Salzgeber; something about Brunswick’s Historical Society, where our Right to Elect PAC donated its excess funds; an update on Brunswick Lake/EPA issues; upcoming events/ goals; progress made in CBB’s first year.

Then there was discussion of Skatepark and whether CBB should take on this project, as the mayor is planning to resign.  This will be put to a vote of the membership at February’s meeting.  The city had not liked the idea of Coca-Cola sponsorship proposed by Mayor Hanes.  Basically there is need for a group to lend their name to the effort and be financially accountable to Council.  Walt Tabar suggested letters to other service/ charitable groups.

The meeting was adjourned for open discussion.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Rehman, Secretary, CBB

Copyright 2001-2004 - Citizens for a Better Brunswick - All Rights Reserved

Last Updated: 03/27/2004